A long, long time ago I read a piece called The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion which focused around women who identified themselves as Pro-Life. But when they found themselves in the situation of an unplanned pregnancy at an unideal time, abortion was the right answer for them. Logically turning them into pro-choice advocates, but of course that is something they would never admit to.
Rallying to make something illegal, but in a time of need taking advantage of the service makes one question whether or not these advocates really want abortion to be make illegal.
Enter Tea Party Congressman Scott DesJarlain of Tennessee, who is one of those extremist's in Republican's clothing is making a stir. Recently a news story about Scott and his extra marital affairs made headlines when his mistress, whom he impregnated told her story. A story which included the pro-life Congressman attempting to force his mistress to have an abortion in hopes of hiding their affair.
Let us recap this quickly. Pro-Life Congressman. One of four women he had an affair with. Forced abortion. Pro-life... forced abortion. Something doesn't add up!
Oh right! He wanted to murder his own child because it was with a mistress and not his actual life. So essentially with his line of thinking, abortion is only acceptable when he is trying to cover up a potential mess. He doesn't care about the unborn, he only cares about himself.
Which is how most of these pro-life advocates feel. It isn't about morals or the unborn. It is about forcing the world to live by their morals, and punishing women for their sexual behavior. Unless they are the one who would have to live with the repercussions of not having the said abortion.
Doesn't make much sense right?
When it comes down to it, you don't get to pick and choose which life you want to protect. It is either all or nothing. This includes the born children who so desperately need homes and loving families.
Maybe it is time these pro-lifers start re-evaluating their priorities?
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
I Was Pro-Life Until a Story of Rape Changed My Mind
The girl on the left, with her bandana and hooded sweat shirt was me as a young teenager. I was outspoken on my stance for abortion. Whores should pay for spreading their legs, and I didn't give a damn about medical choice freedom.
If you look back two decades and ask those who were my close friends, you will know it wasn't a subject anyone could discuss with me because of the fire I would spit like a fucking dragon.
Then when I was seventeen years old my role model was date raped by a young man she had been seeing for a short time. The man, a twenty three year old college student had taken my sister out to dinner, and to your typical college party. Both being of legal age for alcohol they had a good time. Only a few dates into their relationship a sexual relationship was virtually nonexistent, until that night.
While the intimate details I will keep private, my sister was raped. A woman violated by a man she had placed trust into because he felt like she owed him something for being a gentleman and taking her out to dinner. (Yes, this is a factual statement from what happened!)
Like many women in America who are raped by people they know, she did not report it. In fact my sister didn't tell anyone about it for two full months. I could tell she was upset by something, and never seeing the gentleman caller around I figured it was just a break up.
I was a child when I walked into the bedroom I shared with her and discovered her crying. She then confided in me. The youngest child in the family.
This was also when she told me she had an appointment at the abortion clinic in the morning. Part of me was angry with her for even considering abortion. After all it was something I had been so against, and she knew that.
As I sat with her and listened to her. Heard the heartbreak and desperation in her voice. Her questions of what our mother would think or what people would think of her, something clicked inside me.
Looking back it was compassion turning on. She was a woman hurt. Violated and she deserved to have the right to have an abortion with all she had been through. Who was I to tell her no? It wasn't my pregnancy or my body. It wasn't my choice to make.
The foundation of everything I had believed so hard went out the window. The propaganda I had bought into, the brainwashing and the harassment of innocent women.
I felt like a sham of a feminist and I knew from that day forward I would not only work to undo all the wrong I had done in the past, but I would work to help women just like my sister. Whether it was rape or just birth control failing them. I would be there for them.
And I have been and continue to be.
If you look back two decades and ask those who were my close friends, you will know it wasn't a subject anyone could discuss with me because of the fire I would spit like a fucking dragon.
Then when I was seventeen years old my role model was date raped by a young man she had been seeing for a short time. The man, a twenty three year old college student had taken my sister out to dinner, and to your typical college party. Both being of legal age for alcohol they had a good time. Only a few dates into their relationship a sexual relationship was virtually nonexistent, until that night.
While the intimate details I will keep private, my sister was raped. A woman violated by a man she had placed trust into because he felt like she owed him something for being a gentleman and taking her out to dinner. (Yes, this is a factual statement from what happened!)
Like many women in America who are raped by people they know, she did not report it. In fact my sister didn't tell anyone about it for two full months. I could tell she was upset by something, and never seeing the gentleman caller around I figured it was just a break up.
I was a child when I walked into the bedroom I shared with her and discovered her crying. She then confided in me. The youngest child in the family.
This was also when she told me she had an appointment at the abortion clinic in the morning. Part of me was angry with her for even considering abortion. After all it was something I had been so against, and she knew that.
As I sat with her and listened to her. Heard the heartbreak and desperation in her voice. Her questions of what our mother would think or what people would think of her, something clicked inside me.
Looking back it was compassion turning on. She was a woman hurt. Violated and she deserved to have the right to have an abortion with all she had been through. Who was I to tell her no? It wasn't my pregnancy or my body. It wasn't my choice to make.
The foundation of everything I had believed so hard went out the window. The propaganda I had bought into, the brainwashing and the harassment of innocent women.
I felt like a sham of a feminist and I knew from that day forward I would not only work to undo all the wrong I had done in the past, but I would work to help women just like my sister. Whether it was rape or just birth control failing them. I would be there for them.
And I have been and continue to be.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I Stand With President Obama

It begins long ago in my teen years. A young girl from a multicultural and multiracial background. I was the fourth child born to a Latina mother, and Jewish father. Quite the combination if you ask me. I don't remember much of my father because my mother left him when I was young. He was the kind of guy who enjoyed too much Johnny Walker and liked to beat on women, mainly her. Lucky right?
One of my earliest memories was a day of visitation with him, which ended in a public beating of my oldest sister, maybe a pre-teen at the time. A passer by in the park called the police and that was the last time we saw him without a court supervisor till we were adults.
My mother often worked two jobs to provide since being a professional alcoholic didn't provide much in terms of child support.
By the time I was in high school I had a clear cut path and goal. College. Make something of myself. Bust my ass so I wouldn't have to wait tables or work in retail all of my life. The motivation to break the cycle was clear.
I made my way out of high school in 1993 with honors and a scholarship. While working to support myself fully and living in a tiny studio apartment in a less than desirable area of the city, I worked around my college course schedule for six years. Never missing a single class. Not because I was sick, not because I over slept, because there was no excuse to miss something I was paying so much money for.
In 1998, I graduated in the top 10 of my college class with a bachelors degree and continued two more years for my masters which I got in 2000.
I worked my godd damn ass off. I never took a hand out. I always paid my taxes. I worked two jobs at times to pay my bills. I lived on rice and beans, and ramen noodles for months at a time, but I made it work.
Just like our President did. A man of color. Mixed Race. Who never expected anything to be handed to him. No trust funds or rich parents. Just what he worked for. He gives the children of today, born and raised in the life I did a dream. He shows that the dream is within reach. I show that the dream is within reach, if you work hard enough for it.
I stand with Barack Obama because he will stand up for my rights as a woman.
I stand with Barack Obama because he doesn't pick and choose which American citizens are worth his time and effort.
I stand with Barack Obama because he is a real leader.
I am the real 47% of Americans. Hard working, Tax Paying Americans.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Why I Pity the Military Families Who Will Vote Republican
Without a doubt, there will be many military families who blindly vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket because traditionally, military families are a) more conservative b) since Bush, are mainly Republican and c) believe the Republicans are responsible for pay raises. (Don't kill the messenger, I have been told this on a number of occasions from close friends and family in the military.)
Unfortunately for these human lemmings, the Romney/Ryan ticket doesn't value your military service, sacrifice, or quality of life. We learned this during the Republican National Convention when you weren't mentioned once. Not a thank you for your service. Not a shred of remorse for the thousands lost in combat since 2001. Not a prayer. N-O-T-H-I-N-G!
The same party that voted to send your loved ones into war. The same party that started the war on terror over a decade ago.
If it didn't sounds bad enough for these families who have been completely forgotten about, the events of the past week only foreshadow the future if the Republican ticket is elected.
Instead of addressing the horrible act of terrorism in Libya, Mitt Romney used the tragedy, and death of Americans as a political springboard to attack President Obama. Big fail.
Will the Romney campaign promise pay hikes to the military? He might, if he even remembers them in the next 50 days.
Am I bitter about it? Yes, because my brother was killed in action in November of 2007.
Good luck to any of the military families who vote for these out-of-touch clowns, because you will need it if they are elected.
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