
Friday, September 7, 2012

Downfall of Personhood Laws

What does it mean?

The dictionary defines personhood as
"the quality or condition of being an individual person."

It really is a simple explanation. There are not multiple explanations. There are not confusing details that the layman would not be qualified to decipher. At least at this moment in time.

Unfortunately for American women, the "pro-life" movement is on a mission to make an embryo have equal rights, or more rights, than the woman carrying it. This is of course in a mission to eliminate abortion rights but in the mean time women all over America with very much wanted pregnancies are falling victim to these same laws.

Personhood USA is a anti-abortion group working on getting a constitutional amendment passed that would be virtually devastating for women. Not because our rights for abortion would be stripped, but because our rights to simply make choices in our own maternity care would also be heavily violated.

In fact, across America, in states with some type of personhood laws currently passed the battle is already beginning.

Want to use a midwife for your pre-natal care? Some states may say you are endangering your baby and involve child protective services! Want to have a vaginal birth after a previous c-section, they may just drag you into the hospital with a Sheriff to force you to have a repeat c-section against your will. Don't think this is actually happening?

These women, most staunchly pro-life advocates, were violated by the same laws their cause wants put in place to force all women into carrying pregnancies to term. Losing their own rights to informed decision making in their own medical care. Losing the right to control what happens to their own body. Losing the right to make their own pre-natal care decisions and losing the right to make their birth the special experience it should be.

No matter how you want to cut it, and what your cause is, there are two very distinct flaws with these personhood laws, and the proposed amendment.

1.) These are sexist. They will only impact women in our country. Men will be able to make their own medical choices whether it is for their Viagra or diabetes treatment. Which proposes the question of "Are these laws saying women aren't fit to make their own informed decisions?"

2.) Pregnancy is delicate. Especially in the first trimester. Will women be arrested if they miscarry? Will mother's be charged with murder for a stillbirth? Will the rights of a non-viable fetus trump the rights and decisions of a 30 year old woman? It is too slippery of a slope.

In the end, all we can do is fight back and hope rational prevails over extremist stupidity. Which is exactly what any form of personhood laws are. Irrational, dangerous, and stupid!

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