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In the first months in office not one jobs bill came for a vote. On the flip side of things, women's health care was front and center. The focus of the GOP became controlling women or as most of us have dubbed it the "War on Women".
1100 anti-choice ("pro-life") provisions were introduced all over the country, on state and federal levels. American's were out of work, losing their homes, medical care and not able to feed their children, but climbing up into the uterus of every American woman was the #1 priority.
It was around the same time that Planned Parenthood came under attack and the entire community of anti-abortion advocates got their panties in a bunch. They were over-joyed because the abortion monger known as Planned Parenthood would be defunded on a number of levels. What these advocates who pride themselves in caring about life didn't take into consideration was the grown women who would be thrown under the bus.
They also weren't smart enough to know that a Federal law, which has been in place for three plus decades has prohibited any type of federal funding for abortion services. Their replies, like always remained irrational. "They lie and use that money for abortions!" Yes, I am sure such a large organization breaks the law so carelessly risking jail time and defunding when they can just use the private donor funds they get.
The real issue was the women who would lose their reproductive health care annually and the amount of deaths it could possibly cause. No, the women aren't going to die overnight. But they will forgo life saving preventive care such as biopsies and pap smears. Procedures all women should have annually, and will not be able to afford without these health centers.
In the year 2008-2009, abortion services accounted for 3% of the annual services Planned Parenthood provided. THREE PERCENT.
Let me stress that a third time. Three freaking percent. A tiny fraction of the mass amount of services they provide.
The biggest service they provide? Contraception, preventing pregnancy. Condoms, birth control pills, depo provera shots, the nuvaring, IUD's, the list goes on. PREVENTING PREGNANCY FROM HAPPENING IN THE FIRST PLACE. Which if we are having a logical discussion, is what women who do not wish to have children do. Unfortunately for men and women in our country, there is no form of birth control that is 100% safe, or effective today. We can hope in the upcoming years this kind of technology in medicine will become available.
The second largest services they provide is STD testing and treatment. A complex issue, but one that again is and can be life saving. I am sure I will touch on this as a whole another day.
Then comes one of the most important services - cancer screening and prevention (17%) and other women's health services (10%) which are some of the most important services they provide. Cervical cancer is a growing killer of women, young and old. It runs wild in the underprivileged because they cannot afford screening. Often putting these check ups off in order to feed children, or pay rent. Real life people!
Three percent.
Millions of woman's lives put on the line for three percent. But it wasn't about the three percent. It was about making a radical outdated statement. It was about trying to prove that women are not superior and don't deserve to make their own choices in their health care.
Three percent.
Irrational people side with three percent.
Logical people stand up for the other 97% which saves lives and prevents millions of unwanted pregnancies annually.
Thank you for breaking it out in hard numbers that way. And for being a vocal pro-choice mother; one voice like this is worth ten child-averse people like me in the fight.
ReplyDeleteAs a 20-year-old woman living on the kind of income you could expect from an entry level job in the late 60s, Planned Parenthood was pretty much the ONLY health care of any kind I got. In the early 21st century the purchasing power of minimum wage has declined by nearly 25%, so PP is even more vital. But the Religious Right is willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater in their unwavering efforts to restrict women's sexuality. By the Biblical definition, life starts at the first breath. What they want is for all those wanton sluts to stop fucking around or face the consequences (including death by STD, if possible).
ReplyDeleteI'll go ahead and take the bait here: most, if not all, pro-life people who have a problem with Planned Parenthood believe that life begins at conception. The union of the sperm and the egg. Therefore, Plan B, IUDs, and even birth control pills can all be considered abortive because they impede the fertilized egg from implanting on the uterine wall.
ReplyDeleteI am 100% pro-life - I would like to see abortion ended. I am also pro-choice, in that I think anyone should be able to do anything they want with their own bodies, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. I do not believe this freedom of choice extends to a fetus, because I believe that fetus is someone else's body now. It's genetically different from me or you now - so it's not our bodies.
I agree that you guys should be given the choice to advocate for what you believe is right - I just think that people who disagree with you should be given that same choice.
Laura, This is where the Pro-Life movement has to become a) more open-minded and b) realistic. The fact that some are so against birth control is extremely silly. If it wasn't for birth control as well as abortion, America might as well be a third world country filled with poverty, because there is no way everyone could afford to be the next Duggar family.
ReplyDeleteAs for abortion, while most can consider a fetus to be a separate person, the issue is in gestation. No one is disputing the fetus is a separate being with different DNA, unfortunately if a woman does not wish to continue gestating for the full 40 weeks, she has the option to have that second being removed. With our medical technology today, there is a) no way to sustain that life because of the lack of viability, and b) most women wouldn't want to adopt out their abortion to someone else. If adoption was an issue, abortion wouldn't have been the right course of action.
As for advocating. I advocate for woman's rights because I don't want to go back to the days of back alley abortions. My grandmother has told me stories of the "clinics" in New York City before Roe V. Wade. The desperation, the harm, the women dying. America should never go back to these days. It was a dark day for women.
If you are pro-life and do not wish to have an abortion, that is your choice of course. Simply do not have one. That is all I ask, and all I want. Especially for my daughter as she grows.